The WORLD CUP is about to kick-off tomorrow, 32 teams are participating and fighting it out amongst themselves for a month. Teams will be eliminated in the pursuit of reaching the finals until a bunch of 11 monkeys finally get hold of this golden ball.
Now I am too 'desi' and I would say WHY PUT EFFORT WHEN ALL YOU ARE WINNING IS A BALL?
- Is it because this is a Gold Ball?
- People will appreciate when We get hold of this ball.
- Will definitely get clicked by Photographers.
- The whole world will watch in awe when this ball is in our hands.
- Some sections of our nations population is going to worship us, We can call ourselves God.. the next time We will play with a previous World Cup winner the match would be called 'Clash of the Titans' and would be a much more thrilling watch than the movie of the same name.
Brazil is my favorite to win this World Cup.
sobs, sobs, am not getting to see the matches here in Canada.