I can write I am watching this & that movie. If you haven't watched it, you may say so what? Or you may ask, is it good? Is it worth watching? And you will be dependent on information. Go for a movie only If your heart is into it. Don't rely on critics or ratings.or for that matter the shitty word of mouth you come across Facebook on fridays.

And now I am coming to face-to-face communication which we do everyday. This is the easiest and the most basic method of communication. We are most comfortable when talking to parents or siblings or close friends cause they are in immediate and day-to-day contacts. But why do we hesitate to contact a stranger whom we have laid eyes on for the first time? Why do we hesitate to propose to the girls? Are we afraid that a being of such immense beauty will be lost if we propose carelessly?
I for my part have shed my inhibitions and can communicate easily across all strata of the society. And I at the moment am living a very care-free, tension-less life because whenever I communicate I am genuine, transparent, casual and most important of all, I AM MYSELF.
should not have wasted time on this one